Chronicles of Mythralis
Something is messing with the fabric of the planes. Magister Elowen Starwhisper has called us together because this all has something to do with each one of us.
Quest List
Dr. Danell
Steal the rock
Dr. Dannell is convinced that one of the stones on display at the museum is an anchor. We have no choice but to try and steal it after the Gala.
Meet with Dr. Danell
Elowen seems to think someone named Dr. Caddee Dannell has some information on a potential new anchor
The world’s best weapon
Find a piece of Adamantine
If we come across a piece of Adamantine in our travels, we should bring it to Cora in Baldur’s Gate
Save the world, no big deal
Gather the Eggs!
Seems like the “anchors” are actually Dragon Eggs! We need to collect them all in order to save the Dragon Eggs, and prevent whomever is trying to take them from using them for some sort of nefarious plot.
Samuel Everlight
Samuel is going to research the gem. He said it will take two days, we should return then to check out what he has found.
He also gave us a way to contact him via rubber ducky.
The Gem
We found the battery, it is a gem of some sort with some strange markings on it. We should take it to someone that might be able to translate them.
The Hanging Tree
We found a note on the Kobolds that mentioned The Hanging Tree, and a "Battery" of some sort.
Portal investigation
We think there is a portal forming in Burdusk, go and investigate
Magical Michael’s Maze of Mysteries
Maze of Mysteries
Whenever Magical Michael is around, we should visit him in his tent for "games" and prizes
Some extra work
Visit the Thieves Guild for extra work
If we find ourselves in Baldur’s Gate, Irann said we could grab some “extra work” at the Thieves Guild… he didn’t tell us how to get in contact with them though